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September Live Class is happening in 6 days
$10K+ client today!
Saying this out loud, but I have full intention on landing a $10K+ client in the next 24 hours! Aiming for more of the $12K mark to be honest. Sharing bc me saying it out loud and sharing with others holds me more accountable to closing the deal! LFG!!!!!! This would be the amount that ONE PERSON would spend with me. Keep you ladies posted but a reminder you have been building SO MANY warm leads that you can nurture into paying clients! Now that I’m done creating the 30 day challenge content done for you, I’m thinking about doing sales tips for closing clients each Friday and pulling back the authority hooks I deliver to only 1-2/week. What do you think? Or would you rather stick with going back to multiple authority hooks done for you each week?
New comment 5d ago
A little poll & how you guys handle it.
This makes me feel SO AWKWARD almost daily. How many times do you all get asked to "host a post" or "can you share this offer on your page" from other business owners/mlm?! Mine is MULTIPLE times a day since joining DPQ and I never know how to tactfully decline. Can someone help me. BECAUSE YALL KNOW .... I am honest, but I don't want to make anyone upset.
New comment 8d ago
Honest question!
I’ve been thinking of renaming our group from Digital Profit Queens to something else. I feel it’s a great representation of my own brand voice and personality, but I do think there sometimes is confusion around it! What are YOUR thoughts? I love “God-made” bc I feel we live in a world of “self-made” or “I created:built this”, but I also don’t wanna be a “prosperity only Christian”. I also love the words Wealth, Aligned, Ambition. PowHer, purpose + profits I love, but I think this is more for like a like event or retreat bc it doesn’t really explain the wealth mindset and social strategy taught in here. Maybe it’s just a random thought; but I know you ladies are the best ones to ask if you have any honest feedback or ideas! Really focusing this group still on these 2 premises: both wealth mindset rooted in Biblical Abundance and Aligned Ambition Marketing/Social Strategy!
New comment 13d ago
Honest question!
Email Marketing
For those of you who do use email marketing, what are your conversion rates? I just sent my second blast this morning so just trying to gauge if I am doing the right thing!! For reference, I sent 117 emails, 67 opened the first one - 5 clicked. On todays email (so far) sent 117, 56 opened, 5 clicked. Are those normal numbers?? @Danika Watson @Randa Carrabba @Janice Elmore
New comment 22d ago
Digital Products/Service vs In Person Service or Products Shipped?
What all do YOU sell? Who sells DIGITAL only? WHO only uses online to sell their in-person service or product that gets shipped? Who sells a combo??? I know some of you have even more than ONE income stream and have ADDED digital products to your portfolio! So let’s hear what all you sell and if you feel this group benefits one of your businesses more than the other? Or if you even feel it benefits your digital product vs in person product more? This post is meant to help you learn from each other as some of you have EXPANDED your income streams! And also for you to get ideas of NEW digital products to add to your business!
New comment 24d ago
1-30 of 38
Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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