Wednesday September 18: Mini Challenge + Engagement Thread
Happy Wednesday, Ladies! I've got a big day with a live Wealth Creator College + Content Shoot!
I also want to put out a little something to challenge each of you ladies to do BEFORE the end of October - SHARE YOUR STORY! The easiest way to do this LONG FORM is to GO LIVE. I know that may be scary to some of you, but this is a great pinned post to add to the top of your page. If you already actively go live and/or have shared your story where it's easily accessible with a pinned post/highlights - you don't have to do this. But I want to give some of you the extra nudge to do this soon!
Here is today's engagement thread post. My post is a heart melting mom moment. Not my usual, but still fits into my brand voice! Share the link of today's post (or your newest post) below and give some community love to the others as well as honest feedback where you see can be helpful!
Randa Carrabba
Wednesday September 18: Mini Challenge + Engagement Thread
Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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