Tuesday September 10 Engagement + My Own Vulnerability!
Happy Tuesday, Ladies! Today is my biggest workday of the entire week. It's the day I can quietly be behind the grind for the most amount of time, which is also the day I take off of instagram stories for a reset. I highly encourage a day of the week like this if you think it would benefit you, too!
I want to lean on this group for the benefit of small community support for myself, something I don't do regularly. But, I believe in leading with vulnerability. This morning is hard for me as a leader for 2 reasons:
1) I'm having to hand out multiple strikes within my own company which is never fun, but I know it's my responsibility to hold true to the policies we have set for the integrity of our business, the leaders within and our community.
2) This morning something was posted that really makes me have to stand so strong not only in my own wealth mindset, but also knowing and being comfortable with the fact that I will trigger people. This one hit hard because it's someone I love, respect and is my elder, so I guess it naturally has me feeling a little yucky, but I'm reminded that being a disruptor of business owner's mindset isn't for the weak of heart. I think hearing tell me at our podcast that I triggered her and she had to mute me was a huge blessing for the impact I'm trying to make, but now I realize it was EASY to hear after she became a successful client. Thank you Dusty for your honesty with me so I could truly learn how I have to trigger people first before change can happen.
The issue this morning is me realizing how much I've triggered someone, but it's fresh and brand new vs after the beauty that comes on the other side. I went back to scripture even to verify that encouraging mindset shifts and triggering people isn't a bad thing (yes, I went there for my own sake to validate that all that I'm living and sharing is righteous) and this is what I found that helped me and I'd like to share in case it helps you, too.
Mindset is very important in the Bible as the mind is mentioned over 160 times in the New Testament alone! Merriam-Webster defines mindset as a "mental attitude/inclination or a fixed state of mind". And Romana 12:2 says "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Not only is our mind something we should focus on as a believer, but we are also called to transform ourselves by refreshing our mindset. Why do we want to transform our minds? 1. To impact our actions 2. To stop holding us captive and 3. To stop tricking us with the lies the enemy can tell us.
Here's the reminder for those of you who are sharing boldly and authoritatively that I see you and I'm proud of you. Validating your own message and your own posts without seeking validation from others is truly what is needed to make the most positive impact, but there are times of being tested. It's so easy to go make a bashing fb post to blast someone and to seek the validation from others that you're honestly searching for within. So continue to validate yourself within and you'll become both electric as well as expanding into the person God has called you to become!
So here is today's engagement thread post. Share the link from your newest post below so the other ladies can give you public engagement love as well as honest feedback in here. For iron sharpens iron! Cheers to a great day, ladies!
Randa Carrabba
Tuesday September 10 Engagement + My Own Vulnerability!
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