Write something
Hello Diagrammers! Iv been working on implementing a ton of new stuff in the classroom. One thing I'm working on is offering one-on-one Airtable lessons and one-on-one Make lessons. If this sounds appealing to you, do me a favor and fill out this quick form → HERE This will give me a good base for building out a system to start offering these lessons.
New comment 2d ago
Claude and
Is anyone still able to access the "create a message" Claude module in Make? Anthropic has removed all of its modules from Make.
New comment 14d ago
Blog Automation Updates
I'm building out a very useful tool for this process and I'm excited to share it! I have spent a few days engineering prompts but I'm at that point where I just don't know enough about writing. Here are my prompts for an "outline writer assistant" and an "article writer assistant". Maybe you all can copy and paste them and give it a few tests and tell me whats missing? Outline Assistant Article Assistant Feed the Outline Assistant a niche, then feed the generated outline to the Article Assistant.
New comment 18d ago
I just joined the group. looking forward to the conversations
New comment 18d ago
Claude vs ChatGPT vs Perplexity
I've been working hard on the blogging automation, but as I've mentioned before, writing has never been my expertise, so it's taking a bit longer than I anticipated. I've mostly been diving into research on AI language models to figure out the best methods for prompting and automation. After all my research, I've concluded that ChatGPT is the best language AI out there. While many content creators and YouTubers recommend Claude and Perplexity, I've noticed that the trend is often tied to some sort of affiliation with those tools. When polling non-creators about which language AI is actually more powerful, accurate, cost-effective, and produces the best results, ChatGPT consistently comes out on top. What do you guys think of this? What have your experiences been?
New comment 19d ago
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