Elephant In The Room?
So a couple of you have pointed out to me that my Viral Video Maker is just like Stephen Pope's. I even had a person on YouTube accuse me of theft. Stephen gives away his information freely. Those of you who are in No-Code Architects have been very helpful to me. When it comes down to it, these automations are not that technical and sometimes there's only one logical way to build something. Soon these Make diagrams that creators like Stephen and Jack Roberts are building will simply become standard. History always reveres those who come first and chides those who come second. These make diagrams aren't new. I guess I was hoping to emphasize that my particular Airtable build is more fleshed out making this a usable tool for content creators--the make diagram is what it is.
This build goes against Midjourney's policies on the use of automation. I'm asking everyone to read the documentation but that isn't enough. I'm not selling a product or a Saas. I just thought this was a cool thing to make and share.
SO the real point of this post is to ask you all if I should take it down? It's up here for you to learn from and maybe glean some cool new tricks so I'll leave it to everyone to decide.
Kirk Artman
Elephant In The Room?
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