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Great video
About disconnect the value of money and repurposing! Trust me you will get it. Tik tok video: Tip: great person to follow! Who do you follow that inspires you?
New comment 2d ago
😃 Creating Content the easy way! Part 1
Tip#1 Using one template for four different post with similar format! Yes, the post template file is in the Digital Asset store! 52 templates in one Canva File!
😃 Creating Content the easy way! Part 1
BTS🍒 Here's What I've Learned
1. Rooted in Purpose: It was my 'why' that kept me going on long nights and challenging days. Find yours, and let it be your north star. 2. Identity Matters: My business truly came alive when I found its voice and look. Your brand will tell your story; make it genuine. 3. The Magic of Digital Products: I was amazed at their scalability and potential for passive income. Trust me, they can be a transformative part of your venture. 4. Pivoting is Part of the Game: Challenges? I've faced many. But they often led to unexpected breakthroughs and new paths. 5. Your Digital Footprint: Remember, it's more than just a website or social profile. It's the digital embodiment of your passion and vision. 6. Relationships Over Transactions: The connections I made and the people I helped mattered more than any sale. Approach marketing with this heart-first mentality.
New comment 5d ago
⚠️3 common Mistakes to avoid Part 1
Mistake #1: Waiting for Perfection 🕰️ Problem: Many beginners spend months fine-tuning their product, waiting for it to be “perfect” before launching. Solution: Launch early and improve along the way! Your first version doesn’t have to be flawless. Get it out there, collect feedback, and refine as you go. Who is afraid to start? Who has started?
New comment 9d ago
⚠️3 common Mistakes to avoid Part 1
I like to under promise and over deliver! Value is in the step taken!
New comment 10d ago
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