BTS🍒 Here's What I've Learned
  1. Rooted in Purpose: It was my 'why' that kept me going on long nights and challenging days. Find yours, and let it be your north star.
  2. Identity Matters: My business truly came alive when I found its voice and look. Your brand will tell your story; make it genuine.
  3. The Magic of Digital Products: I was amazed at their scalability and potential for passive income. Trust me, they can be a transformative part of your venture.
  4. Pivoting is Part of the Game: Challenges? I've faced many. But they often led to unexpected breakthroughs and new paths.
  5. Your Digital Footprint: Remember, it's more than just a website or social profile. It's the digital embodiment of your passion and vision.
  6. Relationships Over Transactions: The connections I made and the people I helped mattered more than any sale. Approach marketing with this heart-first mentality.
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Heather Coffin
BTS🍒 Here's What I've Learned
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