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Coffee Chat is happening in 4 days
📢 Attention Business Owners & Marketers!
Ready to test your digital marketing skills AND win $100? I am Canadian and we celebrate Thanksgiving in October! So in giving thanks and gratitude, I wanted to run a challenge game! Those who done the challenge before, It is aimed to increase your skills and business. 🦃 We DARE you to join our "Turkey Dare You" Challenge running from Oct 1 to Oct 15.Complete challenge task and win BIG! 💸 🎯 Sign up NOW and sharpen your marketing strategies. Let’s go!👉 [Link to Challenge Sign-Up] It's free. Full details will be posted Monday after sign up. #TurkeyDareYou #DigitalMarketingChallenge #LearnToEarn #MarketingSkills #WinBig
New comment 5h ago
📢 Attention Business Owners & Marketers!
🎉 Welcome to the Digital Profit Builder Family! 🚀
Hey there, profit-seeker! 🤑 You're officially part of the coolest corner of the internet where we turn passion into profit faster than you can say “PLR” (and don’t worry if you don’t know what that means yet, we’ll get you there 😉). Now that you’ve entered the profit-zone, here’s your No-Fluff Quick Start guide to get the most out of your new home: Do snoop here Step 1: Grab Your FREE Goodies 🍩 Why settle for window shopping when you can get a taste of what's cooking inside? Start by jumping into our FREE Coffee Chats ☕ and Weekly Workshops to pick up insider secrets, meet fellow profit-builders, and get some of that sweet, sweet know-how. Step 2. Check out FREE how to earn on Skool📚 This is one of my strategies, Earn while learning and building revenue! Gee, Alex and Sam have some good training on top that makes this a no brainer🧠! We are literally spilling the tea! Step 3: Stack 'Em or Grab 'Em All 🎁 Feeling ambitious? You can stack these courses one by one to build out your business foundation or unlock the entire stack with the Digital Profit Mastery Bundle for just $147! That’s like getting the business-in-a-box kit with a bow on top 🎁. Why piece it together when you can have it all? Link to list of course Details. Step 4: Flex Those Fingers! 💪 Your first mission (should you choose to accept it, and let’s be real, you totally should) is to introduce yourself in the Community! 🌍 Tell us what you're working on, what you're excited about, or just drop a fun fact (like, did you know kangaroos can’t walk backwards? 🦘) Step 5: Get Engaged = Get Rewarded 🏅 The more you engage, the more you win! We’ve got gamified challenges, rewards, and secret badges for those who take action. So don’t just lurk—get active, get involved, and start stacking those rewards.
New comment 6d ago
🎉 Welcome to the Digital Profit Builder Family! 🚀
It's Time to Take Action – Level Up to Level 2!
We’ve noticed that you haven’t been as active as you could be in our community, and we’d love to see you making more progress towards your goals. That’s why we’re giving you an opportunity to level up! November 1 will be deleting Level 1's But by upgrading to Level 2, you’ll unlock exclusive content, personalized coaching, and advanced strategies to grow your business faster. But this opportunity won’t be available forever! Ready to save yourself and take your journey to the next level. We believe in your potential – let’s make it happen! Book the call> Game Plan Not up for it... Exit is 👉settings, then leave group.
New comment 9h ago
It's Time to Take Action – Level Up to Level 2!
RAW and Unchecked...grammar..!
Hello, I am Heather Coffin I am a single mother of three young adults with a few animals! I love outdoors which ignites my creativity and sooth my soul in relaxation! My Experience in the corporate world start at age 16 working at the famous Wendy's Restaurant before it got huge here Canada! I worked hard to earn a management role by age 18, yes had to wait as they won't promote until you are 18! Soon managing 11 Restaurants over two major cities over 11 years allowing me to develop upper management skills and authority while I excelled at training! Then I moved into administration which sparked the creator aspect of me! Creating systems and workflows... oh my did I ever surprise them. Job was part time 2 days a week for workload of 12 months, yeah, had it cleaned, organized and done in three months! Thank goodness the last surprise was third child on the way. We were size of 10 people but we grew to 100 before I had to hire and train people to take on two of 7 hats I was wearing. During this time of I was always in business! First hot shot service with Ex Husband gained contract skills there, oh sorry, direct sales when kids were babies! then came to wanting my own business with full profit! was born! Shopify ecommerce experience was awesome, dropshipping and more. Then my creative side creeped up and started creating stickers! was born. The print on demand, how easy is that! So I had cheap clothes, fun at markets, creating advertising, websites and more. Still working corporate job. But before I retire and travel the world while building a nest egg and inheritance for the grandchildren, I decided to go into digital marketing! Why not, right? YESSS. I have the skills and abilities to do it. Show you on the next page(inside classroom) So, thank you for joining Digital Profit Builder as this will be my final career full time! p.s I still need to create and keep busy so I do a business with Twin Sister... making all the deliverable, website, and such.
New comment 2h ago
RAW and Unchecked...grammar..!
Level 5 Let's go!
Gained a ton of tips and tricks so far, I wonder how much better I will be by level 6!
New comment 2h ago
Level 5 Let's go!
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Digital Profit Builder
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