📢 Attention Business Owners & Marketers!
Ready to test your digital marketing skills AND win $100?
I am Canadian and we celebrate Thanksgiving in October! So in giving thanks and gratitude, I wanted to run a challenge game!
Those who done the challenge before, It is aimed to increase your skills and business.
🦃 We DARE you to join our "Turkey Dare You" Challenge running from Oct 1 to Oct 15.Complete challenge task and win BIG! 💸
🎯 Sign up NOW and sharpen your marketing strategies.
Let’s go!👉 [Link to Challenge Sign-Up] It's free.
Full details will be posted Monday after sign up.
#TurkeyDareYou #DigitalMarketingChallenge #LearnToEarn #MarketingSkills #WinBig
Heather Coffin
📢 Attention Business Owners & Marketers!
Digital Profit Builder
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