Write something
I specialize in personal and non-personal branding, social media marketing, and digital marketing. I can help you create and sell your own digital products, as well as resell established brands' products, similar to affiliate marketing. I'd love for you to follow me on Instagram and stay connected!
New comment 16d ago
On my way to Zurich right now
Hi guys im on my way to zurich right now. I just worked today and now im in the plane. I will be staying for a week at a friends place :)
Trip to Switzerland (Zürich)
Hi everyone, I'm excited to share that I'll be heading to Zürich soon and will be working from there as a digital nomad! This is my first time visiting, and I'd love your recommendations. What are the must-see places and hidden gems in Zürich? I’m also looking for the best coworking spaces or cafes with reliable Wi-Fi for remote work. Additionally, any tips on local restaurants, cafes, or unique experiences would be greatly appreciated. I can't wait to explore and immerse myself in Swiss culture! Thanks in advance for your advice!
New comment 26d ago
Trip to Switzerland (Zürich)
The dream
Good morning, has anyone here already managed to live the dream of being a digital nomad, if so, what advice and business areas do you recommend?
New comment Jun 1
Looking for Book Recommendations!
Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I'm looking to expand my reading list and would love to hear your recommendations. I'm particularly interested in books related to personal development, business, and any other books you've really enjoyed. What books do you recommend? Looking forward to your suggestions! Thanks!
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Digital Nomads
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