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Coaching Call is happening in 19 hours
How can I best share the code to my project?
For the past two weeks, I've been working on the react todo app and having a lot of fun implementing it, and I'd like to share updates with you guys along the way rather than showing you the finished product at the end. I created this project on my local system with vite. How can I share the code for my project with you, as well as see it running in the browser?
New comment 7m ago
Todo App(React)
Hello guys. could someone give me a hint how I can make a custom select dropdown(Due date and select Time) look like the ones we got on "add new task" page. I have issues on how I can implement it.
New comment 24h ago
Simple calculator exercise
hey guys, wondering why my results wont show in my "resultBox", also why when its NaN, my border for my input box is supposed to be red, i appreciate the feedback!
New comment 1d ago
JavaScript #6 challenge question
Hey guys! So for this I eventually was able to get the desired output but while I was writing my code beforehand it was giving certain errors that I don't get the why behind it so if context could be provided regarding that I would appreciate it. Javascript challenge #6 (uppercasing the first letter of a string) (
New comment 4d ago
CSS Border Issue
Hey everyone! So I am making this twitter post and I created a border (without height) to encapsulate the entire post. What I have found is that when I am creating elements from javascript, the border doesn't recognize those newly created elements and thus the new elements are outside of the border (the height doesn't adjust). How can we fix that?
New comment 4d ago
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