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Coaching Call is happening in 43 hours
unlock me that react 😺
i am a 7 kyu, can i unlock the react course ?
New comment 53m ago
Is Position Absolute For Lazy Designers?
Quick question: Is is considered lazy from a developer perspective to just use position: absolute to design projects? I'm working on the random quotes challenge and it's so easy to design using this...would you consider this a shortcut or is this okay in the "real world" in your opinion?
New comment 3h ago
End of week Update 6/30
This previous week I was able to complete the 'Social Media Post' exercise.
So I had to take a step back for a few months as I going through life/job changes etc and wasn't really able to put a lot of work into coding. Once things settled down though, I got back in and realized that I forgot a LOT of core information that I needed (I was in Javascript learning about filters in arrays). I decided to go all the way back to the beginning of functions and watch every video and do every challenge so that I could really understand everything and, just now, I finally made it through everything all the way up to where I was! I'd love any feedback on the code I wrote in the challenge if you'd like to here: But anyways, I just wanted to write a quick post because I've been working REALLY hard to get caught up and I'm just super proud to be finally back to where I was!!! I can't wait to finally get into some new material with a renewed, fresh perspective of what I've learned. Onward and upward future front end developers!! DON'T STOP CODING!
New comment 3d ago
Freelancing course?
Sup guys, Yesterday I published a video that kinda took off ( and many of you saw it and asked me if it really works, if you can really make money making websites and offering services such as SEO, ads etc as mentioned in the video. Well, 100% yes. I wouldn't put stuff online if I wouldn't stand 100% behind that content. Now, here's what I'm cooking: I want to create a test group of 6 people which I will help make money building websites and all the rest. The catch is that, you need to stop going through the regular program until you actually make money with this strategy. To prove to me that you want this, comment bellow this post, then send me the list of 100 contacts in a spreadsheet as mentioned in the video. The first 6 who send me the spreadsheet filled with 100 contacts (as mentioned in the video) will be part of this test group and I'll help you make your first dollar freelancing.
New comment 3d ago
Freelancing course?
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