Updates for the course
The courses have been merged. We now have an HTML & CSS course, JS course, React course, and Crypto App course (think of them as chapters), you probably lost the progress but don't freak out, the videos are in the same order.
Next up:
You will have transcriptions for all videos (we are working on this as we speak, so you should see the changes in the next three days).
I just posted two job adverts up. One for HR, so I'm looking for a tech recuiter that can help you pass the phone screenings with the recruiter, HR and hiring manager. And the second job will be for a technical interview coach, someone that can teach you algos, system design and so on and so forth.
Ideally there will be a weekly call with each one of the coaches. This will only be available to those who are part of the team project (squared).
I will keep you posted with the progress on the hiring side and the rest of the things we are working on on the backend.
Cristian Florea
Updates for the course