Restricted access to some course
In order to keep the quality high, I have decided to restrict access to parts of the course. I've been hinting at this for a couple of weeks.
So here's what happened...
I just restricted the access to the crypto app. Those who are already building it, leave a comment bellow to unlock it for you.
Those who are going through the react course, will be able to unlock the crypto app by passing Basil's interview.
The react course will also be locked. In order to unlock it, you need to reach level 5KYU in codewars:
Once you finish your js apps and finished grinding codewars, just make a post in code review with your profile to check that you are actually level 5:
If you're already past challenge 3, message me and I will unlock it for you.
Reaching level 5 will also unlock the js interview call on Tuesday.
Lmk if you have any questions and I will follow up with another post.
Cristian Florea
Restricted access to some course