3d ago (edited) in Help
Help with Synchronous Functions Please
Hey guys, I am having trouble with creating the four cycles in the Pomodoro. I can get it to run the clock for the work time and then the first short break by using "setTimeout." But other wise it seems these functions start at the same time and if I try to use a ForLoop to repeat it four times, it only works the first time. I actually can't find anything with a google search this time so if you guys have any ideas let me know.
look at the function Cycle in my pen to see what I am talking about: https://codepen.io/Zen-Wind/pen/eYayPoL?editors=0111
Thank you!!
(EDIT) - Ok I got it to work through using a factor to increase the setTimeout limit during the ForLoop. It feels like there is a better way to do this so let me know if there is a way to just get the functions to fire one after another. Thanks!
Samuel Haraway
Help with Synchronous Functions Please