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Learn React - The Developer Way
Where to write your code
Disable the beta features
Overview of a React Application
Introducing JSX
Styling a React App
Introduction to Components
Introduction to Props 1
Introduction to Props 2
Quick side note
Rendering Components Within Other Components
Prop Drilling
If You Struggle to Understand Props 1
If You Struggle to Understand Props 2
JSX Comments
Conditionally Rendering a Component
Conditionally Rendering a String
Conditionally Rendering a Component Part 2
Before you submit your code
Self Review
React Challenge 1
Handling Events
Events Naming Conventions
Passing Callbacks as Props
Sending Data Up
Class Based React Component
Understanding State as a Concept
Using State in React
Passing State Through Props
Using State for Conditional Rendering
Composing with Stateful Components
Using State and Props Together
Working with Inputs and Forms
Rendering a List with React Part 1
Rendering a List with React Part 2
Multiple State Keys
Lifting State Up
Using Callbacks to Modify Parent State From Child
React Q&A
Watch this
React Challenge 2 - Filter Challenge
React Challenge 2 - Live Call Discussion
Data VS UI
React Challenge 3
Initialise State With Props
React Challenge 4
Where do we need state?
The river analogy
React Challenge 5
React Challenge 6
React Challenge 7
React Design Patterns
Interview with Rabie
Introduction to APIs and fetch
Exporting and Importing && React - 1
Exporting and Importing && React - 2
Destructuring and Spreading 1
Destructuring and Spreading 2
Destructuring and Spreading 3
componentDidMount - lifecycle method 1
componentDidMount - lifecycle method 2
Async Await Code Pattern 1
Async Await Code Pattern 2
Async Await Code Pattern 3
Fetching Data on User Action
React Challenge 8 - Github API
React Challenge 9 - Github Battle
React Challenge 10
Never invoke a function that set state from render
componentDidUpdate - coaching call extract
React Refs
React Refs 2
Object.keys and dynamic state
Event destructuring
Styled Components
Routing and react hooks
Lifecycle methods
Weather app
React Custom Hooks
React Context