Write something
Hi everyone. I have been out with the flu (or something) for a while now. I have received some messages about a call for this week. The community calendar would be the place to check for that info. (If it’s not on the calendar, that means there’s no call). I have decided ultimately that I will archive this group. I hope you’ve enjoyed the calls. This is a free group for everyone, but I decided if I ever felt like it was too much I wouldn’t continue, and things haven’t quite felt the ways I had hoped. Free groups have always been a challenge because it’s open to everyone, but sometimes people begin to have expectations or do not maintain professional boundaries and it puts me in a very precarious situation that robs me of my mental health. Although this group has been brief, I’ve enjoyed connecting with many of you on our calls and hope to connect with you again through our channel or other programs!
New comment Aug '23
Call Today?
Is there a call today? I may have missed a notice if there isn't one. Thanks in Advance.
New comment Aug '23
Finding subcontractor
There has got to be an easier way to find subcontractors other than Google. Please leave info.
New comment Aug '23
Legal Middleman Progress Update
I have not submitted a bid, however, have called and emailed multiple companies for various solicitations, and one finally returned my email as a subcontractor. How often do companies return your calls/emails?
Gov contract fraud settlement
Booz Allen Hamilton agreed to pay back the government $377.5 million. Y’all…this is one of the largest settlements for procurement fraud EVER. From 2011-2021, Booz Allen allegedly created “indirect cost pools”...lumping together their commercial and government contracts and tacking on additional costs to have a constant pool of money to access.
New comment Aug '23
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