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Well-being through plants
Hey community! Georgette here. I try my best to inspire connectivity to our Earth and community. I believe plants have the power to heal and bring people together, as well as their life sustaining ability. They are the foundation of our well-being and survival. The potential to grow perennial, cold-hardy, food systems throughout the Globe is absolutely possible! I encourage others as much as I can to learn how to grow their own food and why it is such a rich benefit to their life. The abundance is usually given away and shared, connecting us with our neighbors in a beautiful way as it allows us to lovingly feed eachother freely. I had to first learn how to grow myself! This year was my first major garden with some fails and some successes! However, I am very proud of what I did accomplish and I learned a lot from going through that experience. I also had many experiences being able to share with my neighbors because of my endeavor and I'm grateful that I had such a surplus. My biggest win thus far that I am really proud of is my corn! It just goes to show that sometimes you just have to take a leap and believe that you are enough to produce something fruitful, and the yield is proof that good comes from fine works. Hebrew 10:24; "And let us concider one another so as to incite love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together as some have the custom, but encouraging one another..."
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