Curated For Founders
Private group
1 member
$1 /month
Important: The member count on Skool isn't synced with our slack community. Hence, Don't be discouraged by members count on the sidebar here. (Current Founder count on Slack: 12)
I'm Rahul Tyagi, I run a weekly newsletter at which goes out to about 410+ founders.
Lately, we have felt the need to extend our newsletter audience and make it more interactive and hence we created this community.
You can check the community benefits and offer here:
Once you complete payment, you will have access to :
  • Skool Community ( Courses & Learning content we release here)
  • Slack community for group Chat
Skool is our new payment provider, we were using Lemon Squeezy earlier.
Subscribe today. Unsubscribe anytime you want.
Curated For Founders
Save Time and discover new tools, trends, skills, strategies, and resources that will help you build your online business.
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