new video podcast: summer sales recap 😱
Summer Sales Recap: Making Sales Every Day Through Vacation + Chaos
➡️ Read the article ​on my website​
➡️ Listen on the ​Mariah Coz Show podcast​
The last 3 months have truly been the summer of sales!
In June, I launched new products, new evergreen funnels, and started selling every day, in order to create sales coming in all day every day.
The results have blown my own mind 🤯
In this new video podcast episode, I’m recapping our summer sales, how we made sales all day every day since launching our new funnels and products in June, especially in the chaotic month of August when I had super limited work time and was OOO on vacation for a week.
➡️ Watch the video or find this episode of the Mariah Coz show on your podcast app.
We are on a “sales every day” streak since launching our new products and funnels in June so I’m going to break it all down for you!
In this episode:
  • Sales breakdowns for June, July and August in detail (including highest sales day and lowest sales day)
  • Hitting the “1,000 new course sales” milestone since launching the new funnels + products + daily selling systems
  • My “revenue routine” speed runs when I only had 1 hour per day to work
  • How we kept course sales coming in daily through the absolute chaos of summer
  • How I prepped for a week Out Of Office on vacation by batching + pre-scheduling (and how many sales I made while off the grid for a week)
  • The impact of selling every day on my business
  • Why sales don’t have to be slow in the summer
  • The huge mindset shifts I’ve had after 3 months of selling every day (and making sales every day as a result)
  • The “Evergreen Echo Effect” of making sales when you aren’t actively working
Listen to the episode for the full breakdown!
I'm teaching everything about how I am creating daily course sales on evergreen inside Evergreen Every Day.
The massive mindset shifts, the profitable products, the funnel flows, the daily "Revenue Routines", and more.
⭐ Here's the details:
  • Evergreen Every Day is a NEW program delivered through September 2024 (Module 1 + 2 are instantly available now, new modules are being added)
  • It is currently on pre-sale for $200 off
  • The price goes up every few days before the pre-sale ends (which is soon, because the modules are being added now!)
🤩 REMINDER: Evergreen Every Day is also *included* inside my all-access-pass program Profit Architecture! If you want access to Evergreen Every Day when it goes live and instant access to ALL of my courses about creating your evergreen ecosystem of funnels + offers ​join Profit Architecture here today.​
I hope you LOVE this behind the scenes update. Leave a comment to let me know what you think or any questions you have!
PS - If you're in Profit Architecture, you get Evergreen Every Day included when it goes live! The perks of being in ​Profit Architecture​ - you get EVERYTHING 😁
🛍️ Check out the SHOP: Find all of our offers in one place ​right here​.
Mariah Coz
new video podcast: summer sales recap 😱
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