Hello from the UK
Hello - I'm Phil from the UK and excited to be part of community!!
Looking forward to connecting, learning and sharing as we go along.
A bit about me - I'm from Canada but now live in the UK, I've been involved with the Snowsport world for a gazillion years ( technical term).
I'm trying to take many of the lessons learned through the world of Marketing and info marketing and help apply it to Snowsport retailers.
in the back of my mind, I see being able to take some of the stories of the outdoor retailers and brands and either helping them share their message or teach them how to do it. In the outdoor sporting goods market - especially snow sports - we have a limited time to sell products and get messages out there.
Knowing what I know of the industry there is a lot of same old same old - so excited to learn and share here and ideally shake up the market and help key retailers take their content and convert to sales!
Philip Gordon
Hello from the UK
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