Creating Thyself
Public group
4 members
Become The Alchemist - Reprogram the mind to step into your genius! ✨
We utilise spiritual practises for increased speeds of transformation and awakening to our divine genius and gifts.
I am developing a course that will be free to the community, which will take you on all the steps needed to be able to utilize your spiritual genius and find natural flow with life, trusting yourself and your intuition, to be able to live in this natural flow and harmony with life.
I believe that spiritual information should be free to all, that is why I am creating this in-depth course on how to come into alignment with your spiritual divinity.
So, stay tuned for more to come.
Creating Thyself
Become The Alchemist
Utilising spiritual laws, we will begin to evolve our minds.
So that we can create thyself from a place of no mind.
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