Okay maybe not true love. But someone who FIRES YOU UP. 1) Get a buddy that either: 1. Shares your goal 2. Shares your energy 3. Is easy to talk to and vibe with 2) Get a buddy that ALWAYS has: 1. Accountability to hold you to your goal 2. Consistency 3) Set a PLAN: 1. When are you checking in DAILY 2. What are your INPUTS that your partner needs to know, that tell them that you are accomplishing your tasks 4) POSTING in this feed should look like: Hey I’m looking for [specific need]. Would like to get started ASAP. Video call or phone call, shoot me a message! EXAMPLE: Hey I’m looking for someone who wants to check in two times a day by text. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I have a sales goal I’m trying to hit, and a fitness goal. Let’s jump on a FaceTime/zoom and chat! 5) REPLY: To comments, or your dms. Make these moves fast and get someone you will succeed with!