This is the COURSE of ACTION'S 50:50 Men's Performance Group...50 MEN changing their life in just 50 DAYS.
For less than a dollar a day, you're presented a rare opportunity; the opportunity to work with a former Navy SEAL and a Fitness/Nutrition/Movement Expert to change the course of your life in 2025.
With an expertly designed system, you will be given a daily protocol and expert coaching to get jacked and manage stress with tier one fitness and nutrition programming that will forge a stronger, better looking body.
Day 1 marks the first day on your new path; a path that will take you so far outside of your normal, that it will be impossible to return to your former status quo.
Are you ready to begin operating on a higher level with increased mental awareness and physical performance? If you're done with excuses and go all-in, you will have no choice but to remain in motion, making 2025 the start of something BIG -- living a bigger life in a better body with a tougher mind.