Introduction and why I'm here + biggest challenge
Hi all, I'm really happy to be here. I noticed that the community doesn't have any posts other than Kaizen's so I want to go ahead and break the ice.
My name is Max, I'm a Men's Coach, I am 30, and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I am here because I have once more felt inspired by Kaizen's communication, particularly one of his recent posts when he shared how people who haven't done the inner work are guiding the direction of humanity; while intelligent, self aware, coscious people who SHOULD be participating in the difficult conversations are shying away from it and just focusing on "raising their vibration".
I felt particularly called out by that because that is exactly what I have been doing all my life and this was certainly a check mate. I can no longer ignore the world if I am serious about my integrity as a corageous human, which I like to think of myself as.
I have particularly avoided the topic of politics all my life, but even more consciously for the last 5-6 years, where I decided to unplug from EVERY source of news and to not let a single bit of information about worldly matters enter my awareness, because of how overwhelming it actually feels for me.
I now realize how ridiculous this sounds and I feel like turning 30 has felt like a milestone that comes with certain different expectations.
I spent my 20s doing a lot of healing that was really necessary, and admittedly, there was little to no space to worry about worldly important matters. I did not feel adequate, and quite frankly, I did not give a shit about anything other than myself.
As much as I am very aware that healing is never "complete", I do feel much more clear and lighter about who I am and I no longer feel like I have a justifiable reason to continue to play dumb and ignore the world.
My biggest challenge when it comes to difficult topics, especially politics, is that I feel like I have 0 knowledge and I struggle to feel worthy of an opinion because of my lack of understanding and information. I fear having conversations where my opinion is shut down by a very knowledgeable and intelligent person who actually knows what they're talking about, and I would feel dumb (and I guess unworthy), and I also fear reacting in shame and getting defensive (some past trauma here).
Being aware of everything that I am unaware makes it so overwhelming for me to even get started on informing myself. Even when I receive information I struggle to know if I can really trust the source, because I feel like "the game is rigged" and the media is fucked up and no one has good intentions, so how can I know who to trust?
Anyway, I don't mean to bore you anymore with my insecurities, but I wanted to express my challenge and hopefully know if anyone here can resonate with this particular challenge and if so, what are some ways that I could start making steps in the right direction.
If you've read this far I appreciate you. Chau!
Max Cuartas
Introduction and why I'm here + biggest challenge
The Courage Collective
Live Courageously. Level up your communication, conflict resolution, and leadership abilities. Practice talking about politics and sensitive topics.
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