Why your business is stealing all your free time...
Money means nothing.
Time is the only real resource we have – and energy.
No matter what happens, you can’t ever buy back more of it…
I started business because I wanted to have a job where I could choose my own hours, and never have to worry about where the next paycheck was coming from.
I’ll be honest with you, it’s not been the dream the gurus said it would be:
➤ Working 8+ hour days to get everything done
➤ Sweating on weekends to finish all my client work
➤ Worrying about how to get that next client to pay the bills
I was drowning in busy work, thinking every task had to go through me.
Following up with every lead, double-checking every piece of content, and stressing over every little detail in the business…
Maybe you can relate…
Don’t Sacrifice Your Life For Work
Nobody likes it when they’re forced to sacrifice family time, or hobbies, or watching that one TV show you’ve ALWAYS wanted to watch but never had enough time to…
Business was supposed to FREE us!
But if done wrong, it can actually make you more of a slave than any 9-5 job…
And the worst part is – you’re meant to be the one in charge!
Let me tell you a story:
I feel tired.
My clients suffer because I don’t have the time to fully show up for them, and my growth flatlines.
I think this is the way to success: working harder than everyone else, grinding until I can’t grind anymore.
But in reality, I burn out and lose sight of the reason I start my business in the first place…
The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back
Then, something changes everything.
I get sick unexpectedly and can’t work for over a week…
My business grinds to a halt while I’m away.
Suddenly, the endless grind doesn’t feel like progress anymore.
It feels like I’m stuck. I realize if I don’t change something, I’ll always run on that hamster wheel, getting nowhere fast...
Perhaps you believe you should be grinding all day every day to achieve your goals…
But success isn’t about how many hours you work — it’s about how effectively you use the time you have.
Right now, you’re likely spending countless hours on tasks that feel important but are holding you back…
➤ Writing emails that don’t get opened or content that gets low engagement
➤ Following up with dead leads and getting ghosted every day
➤ Building websites and funnels that don’t get results
But do these tasks really SERVE you?
There’s a better way to work than busyness, but few coaches ever find the peace and quiet to work on the RIGHT tasks that move them forward…
That’s why I created a course to help coaches scale their business organically using content and emails, so they can get time back and attract dream clients without working 8+ hour days…
I use the system myself and show you exactly how it works within the course, so it’s useful in a myriad of ways.
Since launching my systems I’ve had way more time to play badminton, do yoga, and hang out with friends.
Not to mention I have the time to develop personally and professionally, resulting in compounding results in all areas of my life.
Instead of being chained to my desk, I get to focus on the work that matters…
➤ Building relationships with clients
➤ Scaling my business fast
➤ Making an impact
The freedom I craved is finally here, and it’s because I learned how to stop doing everything myself.
Time is the most valuable resource you have, and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
What Happens Next
This isn’t going to fix everything. It’s not a quick solution.
And no, by automation I don’t mean attacking everything with killer AI assistants…
(Although that can be part of systematisation)
What I mean is automating your IDEAS… so they work for you instead of taking up space in your head, or taking time to express to leads.
Once the ideas have been transformed into my unique “Saviour Sequences” of emails, they begin to attract ideal prospects who resonate with you, your brand and your offer.
Here’s what happens when automation takes over:
➤ You reclaim 10+ hours every week
➤ Your inbox fills with pre-qualified leads ready to take action
➤ You regain control of your schedule, leaving behind the endless task list
My clients usually come to me tired and frustrated with their online lead generation, as well as the fact that it feels impossible to get clients CONSISTENTLY in a world filled with distractions that draw them away from work.
Luckily I’ve dedicated myself to crafting a better future for “Future Zac” so I know he’ll thank me one day…
I used to feel like business work and marketing was a chore… something I HAD to do.
Fast forward to now, and the difference is night and day:
➤ I wake up to an inbox full of pre-qualified leads who already know they want to work with me.
➤ My business runs smoothly without me being glued to my computer all day.
➤ I spend more time with my friends, more time on projects I’m passionate about, and more time enjoying the life I’ve built.
Maybe this sounds too good to be true…
But if you never tried business because “90% of businesses fail” then you wouldn’t even be here, would you?
So why not give this a shot… for your FUTURE self?
Here’s the before and after I and my clients experienced (and you can too)...
Hours spent writing content, following up with clients, and manually doing marketing. Exhaustion. Burnout. Feeling stuck in the grind.
Automation is in place. Leads flowing in without lifting a finger. Time to focus on growing my business and spending time on what truly matters. Freedom.
“Nothing changes until you change your mind.”
You can’t take action without shifting your mindset. And without action, nothing gets done…
The grind will continue. The hustle won’t stop. And you’ll keep feeling trapped in your business, constantly trying to catch up.
But it doesn’t have to be this way…
I spent months making the best free course on the market for coaches, so they wouldn’t have to struggle as I did…
It cost me $10,000+ to learn all the secrets I include in there, and 1000s of hours.
The same exact process I use for clients, to help them "automate their genius" and monetise their ideas...
Let me know: how do you plan to get your time back?
Zac Solipsism
Why your business is stealing all your free time...
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