Oct '23 in 31 P's
What does a perfect day in the life look like for you?
Think about this: The only reason you want this business in the first place is because you want your life to be as close to perfect as possible.
And since life is just made up of a bunch of days...
It’s vital to write out what a Perfect Day in Your Life would look like for you!
This way, you can start living it!
Without being clear on this, life will be a constant grind and struggle with no end in sight...
So, what does a perfect day in the life look like for you?
Write it below in the comments.
Once clear on your perfect day in the life, we will reverse engineer your business to make sure your perfect day in the life becomes a reality for you.
My favourite quote that always sticks with me when answering this question is:
“Many people spend their whole lives climbing a ladder of success, only to find that once they reach the top, the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall the whole time…”
So, what wall do you want your ladder to lean against?
Start by getting clear on your ideal daily schedule.
What would you ideally want to be doing everyday at 5am? 6am? 7am? 8am? etc.
Break down your ideal day 1 hour at a time.
Pretend you had to live the same day in the life everyday from Mo-Friday.
How would you want it structured?
Here are a few more bonus questions to help you define what perfection really looks like for you: How much money do you want to generate per month?
If you could only do 3 things in your business and everything else had to be delegated or automated, what would those 3 things be?
What time(s) of day do you want to work, play, eat and sleep?
Where would you live?
What would you spend that money on or invest that money into?
What would be the first thing you want to see in the morning?
Need some more help getting clear on this? Take my lifestyle perfection training here.
Ted Carr
What does a perfect day in the life look like for you?
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