Apr '24 in 31 P's
What are your super powers?
If your work involves your superpowers, it won’t really ever feel like work…
In fact, success often comes so effortlessly when you’re operating with your superpowers that you may even complain about how your success is not even that satisfying because there’s no struggle!
Everyone has super powers.
What are yours?
List out at least 5 things you feel are your superpowers that could help you with your business.
For example, 5 of my superpowers are:
  1. Writing
  2. Brainstorming ideas with clients to help them make more money & free up more of their time (I’ve now worked with over 1,000 clients)
  3. Deeply understanding sales psychology and online businesses (I’ve spent 5,000+ hours studying this game)
  4. Leading a team (I was the team captain for 14 years growing up playing soccer)
  5. Presenting workshops & teaching live classes
Here's a bonus question to help: If you could only do 3 things everyday to make money within your business (and everything else was delegated or automated), what would those 3 things be?
- Writing
- Making videos
- Working 1 on 1 with clients
Once you’re clear on the 3 things you should be doing everyday, it’s time to set the intention to delegate/automate everything else!
Another amazing bonus question to ask yourself is:
What do I suck at and hate doing?
Then write a list of at least 3 things you hate & suck at.
Then delegate those things ASAP.
Make a job posting on upwork.com and do job interviews!
Need more help getting clear on what you should be doing in your business?
Watch this:
Ted Carr
What are your super powers?
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