Oct '24 in General
Please upload a profile photo of your face 😀
Starting October 21st, if you don't have a profile photo of your face, we'll be removing you from this community.
Believe it or not... this Skool community is filled with real people.
(I just spent a week in Ireland shaking hands and meeting a lot of you!)
However, some of you are not showing your face on your profile pic.
This creates 3 problems.
1) It ruins the connection others can have with you.
2) You're instantly seen as a potential scammer.
3) It makes it hard to 'put a face' to your name.
The solution?
Here's how:
Step 1: Go to top right and click on your avatar
Step 2: Click on Profile
Step 3: Click on 'EDIT PROFILE'
Step 4: Click 'Change profile photo'
Thanks for understanding.
I was at a party last month, and 3 people showed up with masks.
Nobody knew who they were.
Nobody wanted to speak with them.
It was weird AF.
They ended up getting kicked out because they refused to take off their masks.
I don't want the same thing happening in this community.
Ted Carr
Please upload a profile photo of your face 😀
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