New High-Ticket Recurring Model - Win Skool Games #TORmentary Day 2
Hi awesome peeps,
this is my second day of reporting how I am going to win the Skool Games and meet Alex Hormozi and Sam Ovens.
So Alex is talking a lot about the different ways to hit $10,000 / month in recurring revenue with Skool a group (MRR).
I create a new mental model (and framework) that I call...
...wait some more
(okay, enough waiting)
..."The Recurring Waterfall"-Framework
It will give you the ability to have...
...not 1
...not 2
...not 3
...BUT 4
...separate income streams the same Skool group
...where each of them can earn at least $10,000 / month.
I don't know about you, but I kinda like those odds.
Okay, I will not drag this out any further.
I recorded a loom video, and yeah...
...I am sharing it all.
You are allowed to implement this framework, but remember... heard it from me first.
Let me know if you have any questions, and I will answer them as well as I can.
You guys are awesome.
Let's crush this together!
Why do I call my journaling towards winning The Skool Games #TORmentary?
Well, my name is Tor, and it's a documentary. So, in other words TORmentary.
In addition, it's a TORment to do...
...and it's also a TORment on my future business goals NOT to do.
Yeah, I do consider my day 1 as a win, because I took massive action!
Tor Refsland
New High-Ticket Recurring Model - Win Skool Games #TORmentary Day 2 (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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