If You Lack Clarity in Your Life or Business, Read This Step By Step Guide (Save this!)
At 25, I felt lost.
I always wanted to live life on my own terms and a business that I love.
But I was not clear on what I wanted.
I knew once I got clear on what it was, I would take action.
"But what is it that I want to do for the rest of my life?"
This question haunted me for years.
In my search, I found a wise mentor who taught me about core values.
I did what he told me and got massive clarity in my life.
Once I identified my core values, I felt powerful and inspired.
For the first time in my life, I had absolute certainty about my direction.
- Two years later, I generated over $2,300,000 in sales in my career
- Doing work that I love and that impacts over 100,000 people.
- I am in the best shape of my life and have tons of energy
- Living life on my own terms and helping others do the same
I'm not saying this to brag in any way.
One of my mentors, Robin Sharma, said, "Clarity is the DNA of mastery."
Why are core values so crucial?
Few people talk about values when it comes to business and life.
Core values are the fundamental principles that guide your behavior and decisions.
Think of it as a part of your identity, representing what is truly important to you.
Most people's core values are subconscious because they haven't done the work.
That's why you see the conflict between what you say you want and what your actions tell about what you want.
Companies list values like "customer-centric" on their website but act differently in practice.
There is no alignment.
If you don't define your own values, you will live in other people's values and be told what to do.
How to identify your core values
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask." – Tony Robbins
Block out 15 minutes for this exercise and answer the following questions.
Trust me, it will be so worth in your life and business.
# STEP 1 - In which three ways do you spend your time?
You always make time for things that are really important to you.
I spend most of my days learning, creating content, nature, and my spiritual practice.
These are some of the activities that I value highly.
List them down.
Next is energy – you have always energy on the things that you value most.
When you do something you value highly, your energy goes up because you feel inspired by it.
# STEP 2 - In which three ways do you spend your energy and where do you feel energized?
List them down.
Next is money – you always find money for things that are valuable to you.
Your spending doesn't lie.
# STEP 3 - In which three ways do you spend your money?
For me, it's books, online training, and mentors.
List them down.
Have you noticed that you never have to be reminded of things that you value most?
You are inspired from within to do those things.
# STEP 4 - Where are you most reliable, disciplined, and focused?
Look at the activities, relationships, and goals for which you are most disciplined.
The things that nobody has to get you up to do.
List them down.
For me, again, that’s learning, creating content, business, and my spiritual practice.
# STEP 5 - What do you talk about in social settings?
What are the topics that you can't stop talking about in conversations?
These are usually topics that turn you into an instant extrovert.
List them down.
# STEP 6 - What are the three things that inspire you the most?
Think about the people you look up to.
There is a reason why you feel inspired by certain things.
Because this is deep down what you truly value.
# STEP 7 - What do you love to learn and read about most?
For me, it is business, philosophy, history, self-mastery, and psychology.
# STEP 8 - Identify the answers that repeat most often
If you have answered all the questions, you'll notice a pattern.
A lot of your answers will be similar.
You may express the same kinds of values in different words.
Look at the answer that is most often repeated and write beside it the number of how often it repeats.
Then find the second most frequent answer, then the third until you can see the patterns.
This gives you a good indicator of what your highest values are.
You can start making decisions based on your initial hierarchy of values.
Important note:
Your values can and will change.
You can define new core values that would serve your vision more.
I refined my values throughout the years.
These are my highest values in life right now:
Wisdom - Acquire profound knowledge
Health - Peak health in all domains of life
Freedom - Financial, time, location, mental & emotional freedom
Wealth - Create immense value & get rewarded in abundance
Define your 5 core values and see how profound it impacts your business and quality of life.
If you read this guide and I hope you do this transformational exercise.
I did this in 2020 and made rapid progress in life and business because I was crystal clear on my true values in life.
Clarity is power.
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Hamzah Salim
If You Lack Clarity in Your Life or Business, Read This Step By Step Guide (Save this!)
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