Do we understand why are we stuck? (No clarity, procrastination, etc.)?
I spent a lot of time wondering why I don't do things.
At some point, I thought I was lazy.
Years later it turned out I was deeply depressed.
Then I thought I just procrastinated all the time.
Then I have no clarity.
I don't know what to do exactly.
Then I had this feeling, a strong negative feeling I couldn't describe when I tried to do something and I made no progress.
Then I came across the quote from Alex:
"Building a business is hard. “Hard” feels shitty. This is what hard feels like. And this is why most people can’t do it. But you can."
That quote "This is what hard feels like." was repeated several times in his inverviews and it got stuck in my head.
Until one day, I had another session of doing something I couldn't make progress with.
The strong negative feeling came.
The quote was whispered in my mind "this is what hard feels like."
Then I realised why it is hard because I'm stupid.
That strong negative feeling is the feeling of stupidity.
I want to do something, and I can't because I don't know how.
Then I started thinking about it and I realised that procrastination is just being stupid.
Because we don't know what to do (prioritization), we don't know how to do it (knowledge, experience, skills) and we don't even know why to do things (knowledge, experience).
When we understand why, how and what, we just do it.
There is no procrastination, there is no hard, there is just activity.
Therefor it is simple.
If you don't know, your next step is to know.
Find out, search, sit on it, ask questions, ask others, read books, watch videos.
But that is just one part of it, knowledge is great, experience is better.
When you learn, practice.
Get your skin in the game.
If my understanding of why am I stuck is not complete, please do share your insights, so I can learn from you and everyone else, so I can expand my understanding, expand my being and be able to be and do more.
Thank you.
Roland Schwarcz
Do we understand why are we stuck? (No clarity, procrastination, etc.)? (FREE)
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