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🔑🔓 [START HERE] The Shortcut To Great Content
🚀 #NOWALLFLOWERS... starting August 2024, any new member who doesn't level up to Level 2 - #Creator within 14 Days will be removed from the community To move up to level 2, it's simple... get 5 points. 1 like on any of your comments or posts = 1 point. You only need 5 to keep access. It is simple...So don't put this off! Make one post and/or comment on a few posts here in the community as you can, and you get to stay. 🥇 #1 Rule 🥇 If you are here to get value, you will, but if you GIVE value, you will find you get much more out of this community. 🎯 The Goal 🎯 The Content To Conversions Club's mission is simple: "To empower creators to craft video content that transforms viewers into loyal customers, enhancing brand growth and sales." ✊ Who We Are ✊ This community is for entrepreneurs, marketers, and business owners eager to leverage powerful, concise video content to drive their business forward. ❌ Who This Is Not For ❌ People who are not committed to actively enhancing their content strategy People who do not engage or participate actively #NoWallflowers 🚧 Problems We Solve 🚧 - Lack of engaging content that converts - Difficulty in maintaining consistent content production - Uncertainty about how to effectively use video for business growth 💰 The Result 💰 A community equipped with the tools and strategies to produce high-impact video content that directly leads to increased engagement and sales. 🔥 Get Involved: 🔥 - Actively post and engage to quickly climb to Level 2. - Utilize the community to share insights, ask questions, and get feedback. Drop your favorite GIF below once you've read this post and then head over to the "Start Here" module to get started 👇 🛑 TLDR (Too long didn't read) 🛑 1. Read this post—it’ll take you under 60 seconds. 2. Drop your favorite GIF in the comments below to show you’re active and ready! 3. Start engaging with posts and create your own. 4. Dive into the resources and start improving your video content strategy today!
New comment 26d ago
STEP 2: Are You Making This Mistake?
Everyone has a different reason for joining this community… Maybe it was the courses, bonuses, live trainings, or the chance to get 1:1 time with me... I will say this... what you will find to be FAR MORE VALUABLE than all of that combined is… THE COMMUNITY HERE! If you are making the mistake of not posting your introduction here, you are missing out on so many potential connections and the ability to share your gifts and to receive support from our members. Put yourself out there, let us know.... 1. Who are you and where are you from? 2. What are you currently doing online or looking to do online? 3. What can you contribute to this community? 4. What could you use some support with? 5. What are you hoping to get out of joining the community? This will allow you to make some lifelong connections here and allow us to celebrate you, your gifts, and your wins, and support you in every way we can along the way. If you have not posted your introduction yet... PLEASE TAKE 2 MINUTES TO GET IT DONE :) IMPORTANT: Let’s help everyone rise up the leaderboard. The more you post, like other people’s posts, comment on posts, and like all their comments… the more we ALL WIN TOGETHER! Thank you for being here... I am truly grateful for YOU!
New comment Aug 20
STEP 3: How To Unlock Bonuses
Welcome to the Content To Conversions Community! Since 2017, every dollar I've made has been through the power of digital marketing, and I'm passionate about helping others achieve the same level of freedom and success. The strategies I share here are the ones that have enabled me to attract and close five-figure deals routinely—these are the exact methods my clients pay me $10,000, $20,000, and even $30,000 to implement in their businesses. 🚀 What This Community Offers: Expert Strategies: The content, classes, and strategies I create in this community are designed to support you in achieving the best results and return for your online business. The same strategies helped me grow a 100% remote business and significant income streams. Real Results: I’m on a mission to support every member in their journey to achieve amazing results using our proven process. Ways to Unlock Additional Courses in the Classroom: 1. Complete the Getting Started Module. Once this is done, we will unlock the next course. 2. Systems Builder: Sign up for GHL using my affiliate link and then DM me to let me know. I'll get on an onboarding call with you to help you strategize your next moves. 3. Engage and Earn: Level up on the leaderboards by creating posts, commenting, and engaging within the community. Earn points for your activity, with 1 like = 1 point, which helps you level up and unlock additional courses. 🎮 How The Leaderboard Works: Points: Earn points when other members like your posts or comments. This encourages high-quality content and interaction. Levels: As you gain points, you level up and unlock more courses. Your level is displayed next to your avatar, with the required points for the next level visible on your profile page. Not Sure What to Post Yet? - Ask detailed questions, share your wins, and offer advice on what's working. - Share breakthroughs or gratitude posts about members who have inspired or helped you. - Engage actively—like and comment on others' posts. The more you give, the more you receive.
New comment Aug 18
How To Utilize My Footage
I have the replay from my masterclass on October 4th. I think it would be great if I could break it up into clips for Tiktok and do something with it for YouTube. I'm just not sure how or what to do with it so I can utilize the work I have already done. I would appreciate any suggestions on utilizing the masterclass footage to support producing content. Should I load the full replay to YouTube?
New comment 2d ago
Hello from the UK
Hello - I'm Phil from the UK and excited to be part of community!! Looking forward to connecting, learning and sharing as we go along. A bit about me - I'm from Canada but now live in the UK, I've been involved with the Snowsport world for a gazillion years ( technical term). I'm trying to take many of the lessons learned through the world of Marketing and info marketing and help apply it to Snowsport retailers. in the back of my mind, I see being able to take some of the stories of the outdoor retailers and brands and either helping them share their message or teach them how to do it. In the outdoor sporting goods market - especially snow sports - we have a limited time to sell products and get messages out there. Knowing what I know of the industry there is a lot of same old same old - so excited to learn and share here and ideally shake up the market and help key retailers take their content and convert to sales!
New comment Sep 3
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Content To Conversions
Grow your brand with video to create more customers in less time.
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