11d ago (edited) in 🗣 General
($100K+ in 30 days) Why Applied Experience Trumps Everything
If you follow the advice of a lot of Skool gurus, they will have you focus on:
  • Creating funnels
  • Testing headlines
  • Copy that converts
  • "No brainer" offers
  • A website
  • Cold email
  • Chat bots
  • YouTube
  • ...insert more tasks here
The list goes on and on.
What don't they tell you? non of it matters without experience or audience insight.
Only experience that is APPLIED to help your niche succeed will really move the needle.
The bad news?
Well experience takes time, you CAN'T skip this. No coach can give you a piece of advice to get around this.
(that means maybe you won't be rich in 30 days)
If you focus too much on that long list above—you'll never get the experience you need to really make an impact on people. You need to go deep on something.
If you focus too much on that long list above—you'll get clients but then you will lose them.
More time should be spent on gaining the experience to really help people.
I could write a bunch of post and videos on how I did this in 30 days (and I have). But if I'm being honest my success is due to 35 years of working with technology.
I've helped hundred of founders and businesses successfully use technology in their business. I was on the internet 5 years before most had heard of it. I was luck to have the internet in the early 90s. And long before that I used BBS's, where you'd call local computers and exchange information computer to computer.
I'm not saying you need 35 years to crush it, but you do need that experience. And if you don't have broad experience, which takes a lot of time, you need NICHE experience that people care about, now.
Even if you're just starting out, you can get the experience you need to make good money, but you will need to focus and go deep enough on a skill (that matters to people) that can make a difference.
I do think its possible to launch a business very fast and gain the niche experience you need very quickly. BUT, to do that you will need a deep understanding of your audience, the problems, so you can focus just on the experience you need to move quickly.
It's really all about product, making a good product that works and changes peoples lives.
Most people don't want to talk to people, they just want to imagine businesses in their head.
It's up to you to go talk to people, learn about what they care about, and solve that problem for them.
Once you have experience and something that moves the needle, the marketing, the content, the website, the copy, the titles, it all writes itself. You just describe what you do in simple terms.
The reason people waste so much time on websites, headlines, copy, etc, is because they are trying to describe something that DOES NOT EXIST yet. It's a dream in your mind. Make it reality by doing the work and getting the experience.
If you have a good product, even if your funnel is a total wreck, it'll work and you'll make money.
Once something is of high quality, all those tactical items in that list above will make a huge difference in your ability to make good money.
(I have no Skool course to sell you—I do have a lot free Skool videos on YouTube)
Stephen G. Pope
($100K+ in 30 days) Why Applied Experience Trumps Everything
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