What Motivates You? (For Me, It's FEAR)
I'm in this cool group called "free" and one of the members was asking how to sustain the work of having a 9-5 job AND trying to run a business at the same time.
I'm going to give a better version of my original answer below:
If I was in [member name]'s situation, I would be so motivated by FEAR that I would find a way to hit my targets.
Fear has always been my primary motivator.
Fear of not being a good provider ...
Fear of being stuck in a life where I have to do stuff I hate just so I can pay bills ...
Probably not the healthiest thing but its a hell of a motivator.
Before I started selling things online, I was a door to door salesman.
Fear of rejection was what led me to do a search for "How to sell things on the Internet" in October of 1999.
If I hadn't made that one search, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
FEAR is still my primary motivator.
I'm not driven by money or things.
I drive a truck, wear t-shirts, shorts, and allbirds, and work from an Ikea desk in an empty room.
I'm driven by freedom ...
Which means I'm driven by FEAR of not having options ...
Fear of not having autonomy ...
My daughter broke her wrist last weekend.
We were able to get her treated on a Sunday night on very short notice because I pay an ungodly amount for health insurance.
I literally asked to buy the most comprehensive health insurance that exists ...regardless of price.
I am grateful for my fears.
They are my allies.
Fear doesn't mean you're weak.
Being weak means you're weak.
Not acknowledging your fears and doing something about them ...that can make you week.
Fear is normal.
Turn it into fuel.
And combine it with faith.
Lock and load. It's Friday. Get some.
P.S. Special thanks to all the Homies who took the Sacred Vow. (IYKYK)
P.P.S. The lady in this gif looks like she took her adderall in the morning, then got distracted ...forgot she took it ...and took it again.
Frank Kern
What Motivates You? (For Me, It's FEAR)
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