What do you spend time on that no one pays you for?
This is a powerful question in a society where everything is pressurized towards "monetization."
And yet, many of us spend loads of time on things that we are not paid for, even on things we pay for!
For me it's:
  • this Skool community (I didn't get involved until I started paying)
  • making YouTube videos (I'm not monetized but I make videos like it's my job ๐Ÿคฃ)
  • endlessly consuming "personal development/spiritual" material (podcasts, books, videos)
I used to criticize myself for these "wastes" of time, but now I see that they hold the magic recipe for me, the recipe for creating a life that is full of energy and curiosity and enthusiasm, that I would do even if I wasn't paid and instead of putting pressure on myself to be paid for it, I can let it flow into every nook and cranny to energize the thing I am being paid without requiring myself to be paid for it (even though this will end up becoming what I'm paid for, it is just like gravity, it can't not happen, it happened to me over the past few years and now I am paid to think/talk/connect about the very topics I most love thinking/talking about without trying at all to make that happen).
has a beautiful video about this, do the exercise, it is well worth it!
Doing what you love in all the nooks and crannies brings so much joy and connection! Think of the star trek and anime enthusiasts who dress up in their free time and connect with others endlessly on reddit, or the bird watchers who find such a thrill each time they find a special bird, or the bakers who carefully plan for their next big baking project or the quilters who create endless beauty just for the joy of it, these things bring meaning and purpose and identity and provide endless hours of joy both when you are doing them and as you are doing other stuff because you can dream about them!
What is one thing you spend time on that you are not paid for and how can you give yourself permission to enjoy more of it? xo, z
Gazit Chaya - Z Nkosi they - them
What do you spend time on that no one pays you for?
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