Starting Your Passion-Based Online Business with Skool: A Step-by-Step Guide
Using my ChatGPT guide here is the transcript from 's post (video interview with Sam and ) turned into a step-by-step guide -
Title: Starting Your Passion-Based Online Business with Skool: A Step-by-Step Guide
1. Identify Your Passion: Determine what you love, like horse riding, cooking, programming, etc. This is the foundation of your online community.
2. Create a Free Community on Skool: Set up a free community platform on Skool centered around your passion. This is your initial engagement tool.
3. Attract Members:
- Social Media Engagement: Post about your community on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Be active in groups or threads related to your passion.
- Online Forums and Discussions: Participate in relevant discussions on platforms like Reddit or specialized forums. Share insights and subtly introduce your community.
- Running Ads: Consider using targeted ads to attract members. Even free sign-ups are valuable at this stage.
4. Engage and Connect with Members:
- Communication: Utilize Skool's features to talk to your members. It's not just about numbers; it's about meaningful interactions.
- Identify Problems and Collaborate on Solutions: Engage members in discussions to identify common problems or interests. Use these insights to shape your community's direction.
5. Crowdsource Content and Solutions: You don't need to start as an expert. Use the collective knowledge of your community to find solutions and generate content.
6. Develop and Refine Your Niche: Through interactions and feedback, understand the specific needs and interests of your community. This helps in defining your niche.
7. Create Valuable Content and Courses: Based on community feedback and discussions, start creating structured content or courses. Begin with smaller modules and gradually build up.
8. Evolve from Free to Paid Model:
- Transitioning to Paid Membership: Once your community is engaged and finding value, introduce a paid model for new members. Consider offering existing members special perks or discounts as a token of appreciation.
- Pricing Strategy: Start with a lower price point and gradually increase as your confidence and the community's value grows.
9. Continuous Improvement and Scaling: Keep refining your offerings based on feedback, and as your community grows, explore ways to scale and add more value.
10. Celebrate Success and Iterate: Acknowledge the wins and successes within your community. Use these as motivational stories to attract more members and improve your offerings.
This guide encapsulates the essence of building a community-first approach to launching an online business around a passion, leveraging the capabilities of Skool to create a thriving, engaged, and eventually monetized community.
ChatGPT guide use for free -
Need help setting up your community as described above DM me.
Danny Mallinder
Starting Your Passion-Based Online Business with Skool: A Step-by-Step Guide
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