Soft Launched My Paid Community | $3,282.42 in 7 days 💰
This past week has been a whirlwind for me, but I wanted to share it with everyone in case someone here needs encouragement. 🫶
After talking to a good bit of my free members on clarity calls, I noticed one common theme. Something I was familiar with at different stages of my life… having the TOTAL ICK from “Salesy” stuff.
Now not all of them had this, but with the feedback that a lot of them felt they weren’t sure if they could make it in this game or felt like they couldn’t hit certain income goals, because of this desire to never come off salesy.. I knew I wanted to prove they could. There is no “ONE” way to do it. But making sales is still required, so how do I help them overcome that?
I decided to show it was possible by using myself as an example with a soft launch.
What was the process?
  • No posts warning that it was coming up. Just an awareness to those that had been on calls that someday more help would be available with a paid offer.
  • Posted late at night (Almost midnight) that it was available, so not “optimal” timing.
  • The "sales" post was written in a heartfelt way that was more about vision and helping with details about what it was included.
  • They had a full 7 days to get in, so it wasn’t a big rush. They had time to decide. 
  • From the get go they were told “this offer is ONLY for if you believe this will help you”, which if they needed more information I would make myself available for calls.
  • I did a ton of calls. Some group calls and a lot of 1:1 calls. The calls were ALL providing real actual help to show them what it was like to work with me. One day I was on calls starting at 9:30am then hopping off a call to get on a call til 8pm and then started from 9pm to 12:41am. (I know not everyone can do this.)
  • My about page was simple. Go to my free group to learn more about this soft launch. It is still that way now, because this month is about getting people to hit their goals. I really only want the people that are ready to get a win to join this month.
  • No VSL, No Testimonials, & No Photos besides the main photo with the name. A lot of people hold themselves back from just starting, because of one of those things. 
There could be more I’m not remembering at the moment, because I just survived a whole lot of hours using my full capacity to help people. So if I remember more about it, I’ll update this.
The offer was that they can get in as my soft launch founding members for $99/m, because my starting regular price will be $299/m. I know it will go up later and that’s not an issue. I know what I offer is well worth that. However, I had 2 reasons I wanted to start it at $99/m and I will share one for now. I wanted it to be a number they believe they could charge, and something most could succeed with. It’s been interesting talking to a lot of people about where they value their worth and what their help is worth. For some $99/m would be a stretch too.
  • Paid community has 24 members (I had a few in there already who helped with reviewing it, 2 people tied a competition I had, myself, then the rest paid members.)
  • Current 7 Day Traffic Dashboard: 
  • Made $3,282.42 after the fees. 
  • Hit #822 in the Business category for Discovery. (#127 for the Free community)
  • An average of 177 activities in the community a day, I’m encouraging activities to happen in both communities not just paid now.
  • We’ve been on a good bit of calls and everyone has some direction to take towards winning. 
  • Oh and only 3 are level 1s, but plan to invite them to become more active :) 
  • Might be missing something... if you're curious ask 😅
I was asked a few times if I’m going to do a hard launch now, and I’m not going to for a few reasons. The main one being is that I want to make sure each person has had a chance to be helped towards their goals. I have already talked 1:1 with most of them and we will have more soon. In fact, I have a call on Monday to help them set the win they’ll get before 2025 with clear steps to the win. I will allow people to join at any time, but I want to make sure each person makes movement towards their wins.
Delivering is a big deal to me and I am more focused on retention being a byproduct of their success with me. That’s also why I launched before the December Skool Games started, I didn’t want my competitive side activated. Looking forward to the new way the games will be played. But yes, I will post and tell people about it in my free community, but still in a chill way.. Only for those who think it will help them win, and if they want personal help or to know more then get on a call kind of thing. After that “more help” is available in the paid community, but they better be ready to win! 🤷‍♀️ Lol
Disclaimer: I did and am doing the un-scaleable & the un-sustainable for this short period of time, because I am going heavy on the deliverables to get everyone a win their first month. Not everyone has to do this amount of work and not everyone should.. I just want to prove a few points rather than explaining them. Show by action how you can go from feeling un-scaleable for a period of time and transition to scaling. I’ve done it with many previous clients, but I want to show it here now too. I’ll be the rubber ducky in the bath water to test it out. 🛁
Okay so that’s the update! I am leaving for the weekend to take my little one to see the grandparents, and then show him how to care for others less fortunate as we serve the homeless in their town together as a family tomorrow. Because remember.. People need and deserve to feel seen, heard, and remembered to build better communities online and offline!
Hope you have a great weekend! :)
Jenna Ostrye
Soft Launched My Paid Community | $3,282.42 in 7 days 💰
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