My "Free Course" VSL Strategy
What are some of your top strategies to get sales for your offers you host in your Skool communities?
I know this is a long post, but hey... I figure if I share mine, maybe some of you will be encouraged to contribute to the community to show what you are doing as well.
This model below brings in 5-figures front end with ticket sales to my monthly workshop, and 6-figures by the end of the event by selling my program at the end, one-to-many without sales calls.
So here is my top strategy and how I discovered it.
I realized back in 2019 that the best way to "convert" my audience wasn't to just sell them.
It came down more to building up connections points with them that get them to relate to me on a personal level.
As someone pretty new to online marketing back then, I know I needed:
• Gain clarity about the problem I solve for my audience
• To increase my conviction about the process that solves their problem
• Understand how to communicate my message
• Which would really allow me connect with them
• And THIS is what I believe conversions really are
So I created a free course that I knew I could sell, but gave it away to my community members.
I started seeing them share their feedback in the form of testimonials, share it with their audiences, tag me in communities, and send me a ton of referrals.
This really allowed me to do all of the things listed out above.
Now that I had this feedback, I began to optimize it to sell my offer... similar to what a VSL or Webinar would do, but positioned as a free course.
By the end of the course, they were clicking the link to go buy my course for $997.
I sold 1,000+ people into this course using this model.
This worked 4 years ago, and still works today. The biggest difference now is that I sell a "high ticket" coaching program.
So this leaves me with two options... use this free course (I call it the "6 Figure Challenge Toolkit") to:
  1. Book qualified calls to my sales calendar
  2. Sell them a ticket to my live workshop that I run once a month
Since I do all of my enrollments one-to-many direct to sales page on day 5 of my workshop, I don't use the free course to book calls. Instead, I use this model to sell tickets to my live event at the end of each month.
Over the past 8 months of using this model to fill my live event each month, I am seeing 28% of those who opt in to this free course go on to buy a ticket for $47 to my event, and 65% upgrade to VIP.
Now, you might be wondering how do I get people to finish it?
I have a simple series of 8 emails that go out 1 per day... The first email paints the picture of what having their desired results can look and feel like for them. The magic is urgency here... I tell them they have 72 hours to finish the free course, and if they do, they can keep it.. if they don't they lose access.
Over the next week they will get emails counting down to 48 hours left, 24 hours left, last call. The 5th email lets them know if they sign up to my workshop, they can keep this as a bonus. Then the last 3 emails get a bit more focused on urgency, cost of not signing up and continuing with the problem they are trying to solve, and final "one liner" email that asks for them to reply to the email
Now, the traffic source:
  1. Organic -
I pinned a simple post at the top of my Facebook Profile 7 months ago that still gets new comments daily for people asking me for access to my free course.
It is also linked on my other social profiles.
It is in the footer of my emails that I send out.
It is pinned at the top of my free community.
It is on my website.
You get the point.
No need to go keep reinventing tons of content, I just need to get more people coming to check out my socials.
The best way I have found to do this is to go get in front of larger audiences of my ideal customer (podcasts, interviews, JVs, guest expert sessions).
2. Paid Advertising
I keep this one simple... 1 simple ad, 1 simple creative, to a simple landing page. I know I can go create a ton of split tests, new campaigns etc, but this 1 ad is getting around 200 leads a week for under $4 each. I am happy with that.
Lastly, the structure of this "free course":
  1. First video is an invitation to get the shortcut but joining the workshop to actually implement this with an expert who has done this for 4 years, with assets, live training, coaching, and Q&A to support. So initially I just come right out and ask them to join the workshop right out. (Link below the video to join).
2. Second video, they obviously need more to believe in this process, trust me, and trust in themselves to implement this strategy, so I go on to help them understand why this model is much better than the current models being sold out there (shifting vehicle beliefs).
3. Third video, if they are here, they are sold on the vehicle (the strategy I am teaching) and they just need to be able to see how this would feel for them to know they have what it takes to drive this vehicle and that it will work to get them to their goal a lot faster and efficiently than their current vehicle/strategy. (Shifting there internal false beliefs).
4. Fourth video, even if the see that this new model works, that they can drive it, their next biggest concern is, will this process work with the obstacles that are out of their control that they may run into, and how my workshop will help them eliminate those obstacles.
5. Fifth video, this solves their next big problem... example, if I am selling a prospect on why a live workshop to sell one to many at a high ticket price point is the best strategy, and the know it is... they believe they can do this... they have the process outlined... the next big problem in their mind would be "how do I get people to my workshop". So this video I show a few strategies (similar to this post on exactly what I do).
6. Last video, what do they really want? Why did the come to this course? It wasn't because they want another strategy, they want the result with less effort, energy, and resources involved. So I show them how to enroll high ticket clients without sales calls. I wrap up with one final invitation to my live workshop to go deeper than this free course has.
There are links under every video to my live workshop, on the side bar of my course, and of course the emails to follow up to invite them to the workshop.
Anyway, hope this helps, happy to go a layer deeper in the comments if you have any questions.
Looking forward to hearing more about what you are doing!
PS. Yes, I do plan to move this free course strategy into a Skool community and I know it will do even better!
Doug Boughton
My "Free Course" VSL Strategy
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