Live Chat on Skool
Are there any plans for a live chat feature (like discord) alongside the forum style community?
The current style of community on Skool is great for keeping conversation organized and on topic, but it makes it difficult to build real connections with other members, and a lot posts and comments are made just for the sake of funneling people to their own groups, making most communities (especially free) just seem so inauthentic and dead.
As someone who has joined nearly 100 different Skool groups, both free and paid, i’ve personally always found the community aspect to be the least exciting part of groups.
If live chat was added to Skool, i believe the following things will happen:
  • Significant decrease in churn in communities.
  • People will choose Skool over other platforms, meaning Skool will grow.
  • Activity will increase in communities.
  • More people will build real connections on Skool.
I think Skool is a wonderful platform, but with this change in the community aspect i think Skool could be much greater.
Tucker Beatty
Live Chat on Skool
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