(Keep It simple) Lesson I learned at the Skool Games Mastermind
Alex told us that the entrepreneur can only progress to the point of incompetence (Paraphrasing)
One will build a business, and make 10k but doesn't have the skill to progress past that mark
So they start another business and another and keep getting capped at the same mark and then are left with a whole mess of business they need to clean up
Sam Ovens told us that we need to remove more than we produce and take away things, seeing if anyone notices to reveal a feature's true value. If no one notices the feature was taken away (e.g., the audio room), and no one cares, then there isn't any point in having it.
The biggest takeaway from this weekend is to do less better. Work on the incompetency that holds you back. When you think you've capped out your market or your business isn't scale-able that is when you look at the skills you need to learn to break through that cap and not start another business.
For anyone who doesn't think they can win or don't want to win the skool games you are missing out on life-changing information
The information I learned by being around the top community owners on skool has saved me years of struggle
You can do it you can win and you just might be the one that wins a cyber truck or 100k
Maddex Ritter
(Keep It simple) Lesson I learned at the Skool Games Mastermind
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