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Sensible way to deliver the digital book
How do you share an individual book on google drive? would not the user be able to see all the other items on the drive?
New comment May 11
Trouble setting up Etsy shop.
Dear fellow etsy sellers, Wonder what can I do in this situation, I am at the final step of setting up my etsy shop, but the approve setup fee button is just spin and spin, just does not go. Have tried many times already. Here is an image of the screenshot.
New comment May 9
Trouble setting up Etsy shop.
14 listings now, going slower than I thought but time is limited between full time working and kids. Managed to get 4 new ones up on Friday. Aiming for 50 then I will set my next target
New comment Apr 22
Can I ask a question about pricing. There is a mix of prices when it comes to colouring books on etsy, I'm not sure I am pricing correctly. My fear is that I price too high and don't have the plr attached, drawing buyers in. Should I have constant sales on like 40% off? This is something I notice a lot of sellers offering too not just in books but across all categories.
New comment Apr 4
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