Strength & Conditioning
Private Course
Strength & Conditioning
Here is the strength & conditioning program which contains exercises covering mobility, plyometrics, activation, strength and accessory work.
Cardio & Roadwork
Private Course
Cardio & Roadwork
A detailed guide of the structure and advice you need with your cardio based work & roadwork to build your fitness to perform better in your boxing.
Nutrition advice & tips
Private Course
Nutrition advice & tips
Covering the basics of nutrition and its ability to enhance your athletic output and boxing performance
Rest & Recovery
Private Course
Rest & Recovery
Everything you need in the means of understanding how to recover your body to perform your best for each session.
Boxing Mindset
Private Course
Boxing Mindset
Covering all the mental aspects that will boost your ability to perform in the squared circle.
Resources & extra content
Private Course
Resources & extra content
A library of types with quality advisors that I respect highly that have bestowed upon a lot of knowledge on me.
Amateur Boxing
Private Course
Amateur Boxing
A breakdown of all the principles you need within the sport of amateur boxing going over judging criteria, rules and regulations, sale and structure and much more...
Bodyshot Mastery
Private Course
Bodyshot Mastery
A course teaching you the best and most effective ways to land devastating body shots with guided setups and detailed breakdowns to practice on the bag, shadowboxing as well in sparring
Footwork Finesse
Private Course
Footwork Finesse
A course that will elevate your footwork to the next level and allow you to glide effortlessly in the ring
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