Cleaning Business Leads Lab
Private group
11 members
$97 /month
Here’s a sneak peak of everything you’re going to get access to:
✅Unicorn Foundation - this is where we're going to show you how to stand out from the competition and get your clients to view you as the expert in your market.
✅Power Base Method - this strategy is designed to get your first paying client in 7 days or less
✅Billing Ahead - how to get paid upfront so you never have to chase clients down for money that's owed to you
✅7 Figure Mindset - how to develop bulletproof confidence so you can solve any problem that comes your way
✅Client Retention - how to build a great relationship with your clients so they're happy to write you a check every month.
✅ Live weekly trainings where you can hop on zoom with me and work through any problems you're having in your business.
✅ And so much more!
If you want to land high ticket commercial clients that can easily pay you between 3-10k per month to manage the cleaning of their space...then tap the yellow button to join now.
I'll see you inside!
Cleaning Business Leads Lab
Stop chasing leads! Join Cleaning Business Leads Lab, stand out, and let the great clients come to you consistently.
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