Founding Members: Your Honest Feedback Needed!
Hey everyone,
I hope you’re all doing well. I wanted to take a moment to talk about the future of our community. First off, know that you will always be a free lifetime member, and I want to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. We've come a long way together in a short time, and your participation and enthusiasm have been incredible.
I've worked really hard to get things to this point, and I want to put more of my time and effort into making our community even better. To do this, the reality is I need to consider ways we will ensure growth and provide more value.
Again, if you are reading this you will always be a free lifetime member. However, I’m considering, in the future, adding a membership fee for *new* users to help offset the costs of the platform and allow me to put more time into building this into the best possible resource for anyone pursuing the CISSP. 50 cents a day ($15/month), is my initial thought.
We'd offer:
  • 2 weekly study groups
  • An overview of all 8 domains (this would be totally finished and formatted like Domain 1 is now before any change)
  • Bi-monthly expert Q&A sessions
  • Practice questions
  • Access to one another
  • Cheatsheets, mindmaps, etc., in the classroom
I believe these features provide substantial value, but I want your honest opinion - if you were joining for the first time what else would you need to see added to make the membership worth it? Personalized study plans? More Q&As? Full coursework for all domains? Practice exams? Career advice sessions? Really anything you'd like to see - I can find a way to make it work if there were some revenue.
Your feedback is invaluable as I aim to make this community the best possible resource for everyone working towards their CISSP.
Thank you for your support and input! And remember, a rising tide lifts all boats 👍
Best, Vinny
Vincent Primiani
Founding Members: Your Honest Feedback Needed!
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