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God Whispers Scripture: After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:12, NIV Read: Scripture says the prophet Elijah was in a difficult place, discouraged and defeated. He needed direction. God told him to go stand on the mountain, that He was about to pass. There was a great wind that tore the mountain apart, then a great earthquake, then a great fire, but God was not in any of those. After the fire, “There came a gentle whisper.” God was showing us how He speaks. When your circumstances are loud, thoughts are telling you what’s not going to work out, and people are coming against you, it’s easy to get stressed and confused. You have to come back to that quiet place. The reason God whispers is because He’s close to you. You don’t whisper to strangers or people you barely know. You whisper to your spouse, to your child, to someone you know and love. That’s why God whispers to you. You’re His child. He loves you. He wants the best for you. He’s not going to shout, be loud, or be forceful. He’ll lead you by these gentle whispers, by the still small voice. Pray: “Father, thank You that You know my needs and meet me in the place of my needs all along my life journey. Thank You that You love me so much that You whisper what I need to know and renew me with inner strength. Help me to be a good listener and doer of Your word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Psalms 98:1 NIV
"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him." What does this verse say to you? To me, I think of "turning over a new leaf" in a way. "Singing to the Lord" I think means to use not only our words but change our actions to indicate our intentions to God. Even more deeply, to allow God to act on our behalf by refusing to do things that take us off the path He has laid out for us. It is then that we allow His Grace to enter our lives more abundantly. Grateful to be here, I look forward to meeting all those who come through. Thanks Eric for starting this!
New comment Feb '24
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Great to see you here! We are currently building an unbelievable amount of free content, and premium content as well. Thank you for your patience as this is being accumulated and organized to best serve you in the highest way possible. This is also a place to connect with others, promote your own business, and even record interviews about your community to promote your course. Yes, serving you includes what's best for you. In the end, God wins either way. When I first learned about Skool, it was after Alex Hormozi had partnered with them because he believed how much this can impact people. My first instinct was to connect with as many other Christians as I could find. Using the search bar, I did find a few people named Christian and Jesus, but very few that had mentioned following Jesus specifically. Praying about it led me to be the one to start this. I don't personally believe I'm hot stuff or anything special, I just saw a void and wanted it filled and didn't want to wait on or expect someone else to do it. The real vision is for this to become "out of my control" in a sense that I'm not the bottleneck. Connecting with others and sharing wisdom in one place besides the Skool community specifically could benefit us with the core beliefs that Jesus is Lord and we want to promote growth and development while we have this short time on Earth and prepare for eternity with each other. Might as well get used to each other now. Love ya, Eric Stough
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here. This is your group, your community. Connect with those looking for more. The Bible is the living Word full of instructions, some require digging for context. To me, this is a hub for connections- personal and professional. I envision every single member bringing value, even if you don't realize yours yet. Feel free to share or ask others if they can help spot yours for you. We only have a limited time here in this tutorial called life before eternity. We might as well get used to each other and make this an exciting adventure.
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