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New Beginnings
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you guys know that we are turning this community back active. There were some things behind the scenes that went wrong but that is all squared away now, and we have lots of new updates and content for you guys coming up!!! - Daily terms - Daily chess facts - Daily puzzles to solve (some for prizes) - Daily news and updates about global chess events - Discussion topics - Tournaments Starting soon - AND MUCH MORE!!! We thank you guys for all of your patience and we look forward to making one of the best chess and skool communities.
Exciting Announcement
Guys! have you checked the Community Classroom today? If not, go ahead do that. Because we have started a new series and video course to help you become a Chess Gem. The first video is up, go ahead and watch it to understand more about the opening strategies. Let us know how it was and if you have any questions please post in the community. our expert coaches would love to answer and help you.
🎉 Welcome to Chessgems! 🎉
Welcome to Chess Gems, where every player shines bright! 🌟 We're thrilled to have you join our diverse community of chess enthusiasts, spanning from beginners to seasoned pros. Let's kick things off with a warm introduction! 🎉 Share a bit about yourself: your experience level, your current Elo rating if you have one, and most importantly, why you decided to become part of our Skool Community. Our goal is to provide you with valuable resources and support on your chess journey, so we're eager to hear your story. Drop your intro in the comments below and let's embark on this chess adventure together. 💪
New comment May 9
2 brilliant!! + 2 Great! + 76.4 accuracy against 1250+ Elo Player
————————Information———————— You gotta check this out really amazing game! Also the brilliant are one after another! link->
2 brilliant!! + 2 Great! + 76.4 accuracy against 1250+ Elo Player
Daily 💎
The name “Checkmate” comes from the Persian term “Shah Mat,” which means “the King is slain.”
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