Confession time...
I recently moved to Australia from Sri Lanka, thinking I was going to dominate the AI world with my very own AI Automation Agency. I know, sounds like a great plan, right?
But like so many other stories of man’s downfall…
this one does 'not' involve a beautiful woman…
So here I am, in Australia, dreaming of getting clients, building the business, and then…
One day, my fellow brother, who’s supposed to help me with all the backend work, messages me.
And he hits me with the bombshell:
“Hey bro, I got a new job. I won’t be able to help with the agency anymore.”
Great. Awesome. Perfect timing!!! I mean, good for him, but I’m now _____
I was shocked, down, confused, I started questioning everything…
But then, as luck would have it… I see a quote by none other than Abraham Lincoln that hits me hard. He says: “If I had 6 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first 5 sharpening the axe.”
Boom. That was it!!! It clicked!
I realized I was putting all my energy into external things, when what I needed most was to sharpen my own skills. If I want to be the best, it starts with ME. I’ve got to be my own axe, my own strength.
The moral of the story;
If you want to achieve something big, sharpen your skills, build your foundation, and then go out and cut down those trees like a damn pro. Because at the end of the day, no one is going to hand you success.
It’s all up to YOU!