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Q&A/Community Update is happening in 5 days
Tomorrow's Member Spotlight
Looking forward to the member spotlight tomorrow evening. I will be diving a little bit into my background as well as how/why I became a Financial Advisor. I also have a career as an EMT and currently working on my Paramedic. Come prepared to ask questions, and I will see you guys then!
New comment 12h ago
Upcoming Events
Hey everyone! Excited to share the upcoming events for the next two weeks—mark your calendars! Monday, Sep 16 @ 6:30 PM: Join us for a live Q&A session. This is a great chance to connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on shaping the future of our community. Wednesday, Sep 18 @ 7:00 PM: We’ll be featuring a Member Spotlight with @Simon Kinsinger! He’ll be sharing his journey from studying biblical studies to becoming a financial advisor. Simon will also dive into key insights about his industry and hard-earned lessons that could benefit us all. Monday, Sep 23 @ 6:30 PM: Another Q&A is on deck—don’t miss out! Wednesday, Sep 25 @ 7:00 PM: Stay tuned for our next Member Spotlight—details to come! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Record Breaker
I’m only about a week late in posting but I have been busy from dawn to dusk after the political campaign that I’m working on won its election by over 72%. This win absolutly shattered the former state record for a statewide primary election victory. Now on to November 5th.
New comment 2d ago
Hi all
Hey everybody. Just wanted to introduce myself for those who don’t know me. I’m Patrick Young and I’m currently working in communications at the National Right to Work Committee. Nice to be here.
An interesting post I stole from elsewhere
I did not write this. I took it and do not know the original poster. TREAT LIFE LIKE A VIDEO GAME: Life can be thought of as the ultimate game. A game which you can win, or lose. Several of the strategies we apply to video games can be used or related to real life so that you can WIN. - You are the Hero of this tale - You can level up in anything you want, just grind it - speak to NPCs, they could have quests for you - If you don't like an area, go somewhere else - Form a Guild of likeminded people to work with - It's Not Real You are the hero: Act as if it is so! This does not mean discount others - but do everything in your power to improve yourself! You are the one that you spend the most time with - you have to enjoy life and live it under your terms. Create the future you want - you are the hero! Imagine everything in your 'storyline' goes the way you want it to - because the hero always wins in the end You can level up anything - just grind it: Practice helps everything - want level 100 smithing? Go bang on an anvil every day. You will get better eventually. Go talk to a stranger = +1 public speaking. Lift weights and get good sleep = +1 Strength With focused effort and repeated time spent doing an activity, you can level up in anything. Remember this when you think you are 'bad' at something - its only because you haven't practiced. Speak to NPCs - they could have quests for you Become a part of your community, talk to people you don't know; you never know when a connection can lead to something beautiful and helpful. I have experienced many a fun 'side quest' because I just spoke to the people l encounter. If you don't like an area, go somewhere else Everyone has parts of a game that aren't enjoyable - simply go somewhere else. This works for geography but also the people you are around. If people aren't helping you get towards your goals or you're not enjoying this part of life, go somewhere else. Change instances. Change activities, go 'raid a different dungeon. If you're not having fun, you can go somewhere else.
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