Introduce yourself so we can help you grow
Our goal is to make this community the best free skool community for helping people buy ecom businesses for little to no down, taking them over, creating a consistent income for yourself, and eventually flipping the business for a huge profit. Btw my name is Mattan and I'm working with George to build out this group so if you have any questions you can ask either of us. The last thing we want is for this to be another inactive skool community that doesn't actually help anyone get to their goal so respond to this post introducing yourself. Make sure your introduction has these things in it: - Name, age, and where you're from/where you're based - How did you get into the ecom business acquisition space? - One thing you're struggling with in terms of acquiring/selling an ecom business - What you're hoping to get from this group That's it, just very simple. You can see there's a leaderboard tab tracking the top contributors to this group and we have special prizes for the top 3 contributors coming soon.